BC Assessment Logo

Alpine Meadows Active & Sold

Do you live in Alpine Meadows and are interested in Alpine Meadows statistics?  Below is a spreadsheet that shows the active listings as at January 16, 2023 as well as all sales of homes and land in 2023.

You can keep up-to-date on the listings and sales at this link HERE

If you want a customs update on your own property I offer FREE, no obligation market evaluations.

Have a great day.


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Home Buyer Rescission Period began January 3, 2023

The new Home Buyer Rescission Period (“HBRP”) is now in force for residential real estate transactions in the province.

 The B.C. government introduced the HBRP, also known as the “cooling-off period,” as a consumer protection measure to give home buyers time to consider whether a purchase is right for them. HBRP gives buyers the right to rescind their offer up to three business days after the offer is accepted. If a buyer changes their mind, they must pay a 0.25% rescission fee to the seller.

Often contracts of purchase and sale contain subject clauses that provide buyers and sellers with an opportunity to perform their due diligence. The right of rescission is separate from any subject…

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It's Property Tax Notice Time

So you've received a Notice from the BC Assessment Office giving you a value of your property as at July 1, 2022.  It's a long document that can be confusing and keep in mind:

  • Your property's assessed value can have gone up, down or stayed the same

  • the assessed value is at July 1, 2022

  • this value will determine how much your property taxes will be when you get your bill JULY 1, 2023.

  • if you disagree with this value you have until January 31 to dispute the Notice.  More details are on the notice on how to do this.

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As a 22 year award-winning Whistler REALTOR® and a passionate 31 year Whistler resident, I am dedicated to using my expertise and local connections to ensure the success of your Whistler real estate journey from start to finish.

A true local, I have raised my family right here in Whistler and know the people & businesses to connect you with so you can enjoy the Whistler life as much as my family and I do.

Having also travelled the world and moved more than thirty times (my family are real estate investors too), I can anticipate your service expectations to make your experience one that is memorable and stress free.

This link HERE is for listings over $7,000,000 and is on my website.

For those interested…

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BC Assessment Panel Logo

What does the Property Assessment Review Panel Do?

In January, the BC Assessment Authority sends all BC property owners a Property Assessment Notice which informs the owner of the fair market value of their property as of the valuation date of July 1, 2022. In addition, the Notice indicates the classification and any entitlements to exemptions from taxation that may apply for that property. This assessment information is used by the Province and local Governments to calculate that year's property taxes.

After receiving a Property Assessment Notice, property owners are encouraged to review the Notice and discuss any concerns regarding the assessment with BC Assessment. If the concerns or issues raised cannot be resolved, a formal…

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BC & Canada Government image


Foreign Buyer Ban

Beginning January 1, 2023, non-Canadians will be banned from buying residential property across Canada for two years. Although the federal government has still not released supporting regulations at this point, the Canadian Real Estate Association and BCREA will notify REALTORS® as soon as any guidance is released.  There are some exceptions (and Whistler may be one of them), full details won't be available to us until January 1st (frustrating I know!)

Click HERE to read the full article.  

Home Buyer Rescission Period

Also beginning January 3, 2023, The HBRP provides buyers an opportunity to rescind their contract to purchase certain…

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Lake view luxury

Global luxury home search

Now available on my website.  Search the most luxurious homes listed worldwide through the luxuryrealestate.com portal.  Go to my global luxury real estate page HERE

Luxury homes, apartments, townhomes, vacation homes, resorts, private cruises and more available to search.  Your dream location can now be searched on my website. Not only Whistler's luxury, but the world's.  Take a look and let me know what your dream home entails.



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Bank of Canada

Bank of Canada Increased Interest Rates Today

Bank of Canada raised its bank rate today to 4.25%.  Read about inflation, GDP (Gross Domestic Product), CPI (Consumer Price Index) ad more in their latest press release HERE My recommendation if you are looking at purchasing or expect to refinancing in the near future is to lock in at  the best short term interest rate available for a year or 2 year term as the interest rate is expected to go down in 2024.  Still amortize your mortgage over 25 or 30 years, but give yourself the opportunity to negotiate with the bank who has already approved you.  Ask them for a lower interest rate when you see the interest rates start to go down again. Also read the fine print of your mortgage.  It…

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