There comes a time in every Whistler parents life when their child has reached the highest level of kids ski school and can no longer attend. Since many Whistler children have skied since they could walk, this often means they are at a very young age when they have reached this milestone. What’s more, ski school has the extra bonus of getting your child on the mountain more than you could alone and providing a safe environment. If your child can no longer attend, the challenge arises of how to manage your kids and skiing. We have a few tips to help your child move from the safety of ski school to skiing smartly with friends!
Ski with a Whistle
There are many hazards that exist on the mountain and attaching a whistle to your child’s jacket could assist them in making it known that they require help. Make sure it’s attached to the front zipper so it is near your child’s mouth when the jacket is done up.
No Trees Rule
Trees are a hazard when skiing for a number of reasons. To name a few, the possibility does exist to collide into a stump or base of a tree and tree wells can be especially dangerous. It can put your mind at ease and decrease the hazards your child is exposed to by simply making a no tree run rule. Instead, have them stick to groomed or main runs that they are familiar with.
Ski in a Group
Whether you are a child or an adult, skiing alone is never a good idea. Make sure your child skis in a group of peers that are all at a similar level.
Buddy System
In the group of kids that your child is skiing with, have them each designate a buddy to watch out for. If each child is continually looking out for one another and making sure they are with the group, many negative situations such as getting separated could be avoided.
Know their friends
Knowing your child’s friends and their personalities is a good idea when having your child ski in a group of peers. A child that is more prone to risk taking or being persuaded may benefit from having an adult present until they can make safe decisions on their own.
Discuss Hazards
Keep an open line of communication about hazards and bring up problems frequently to discuss approaches to dealing with them. It also doesn’t hurt to reiterate common ski etiquette such as looking uphill before cutting across as your child may have relied heavily on ski instructors to manage these interactions within the environment.
Designate A Parent
Ease into the autonomy of skiing with friends by having a designated parent available on the mountain. Set up mandatory check-in times to ensure everything is going smoothly.
When your child reaches the point of wanting to ski with friends or being required to ski on their own outside of ski school, it can be challenging as a parent to feel it is a safe decision. These tips can help make your child safer and put your mind at ease as a parent. Is it your dream to have your children grow up on the ski hill? Let's find your dream home to make that happen!
Posted by Denise Brown on
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